Toolur provides you a great tool for Image Optimization which you can use for compressing and resizing your image.

Use the tool by clicking below

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DISCLAIMER : This tool doesn't belong to us and also we have no intentions to promote this tool as our own. This tool belongs to Toolur and on clicking on the above link you land on their page.   

Image Optimization : How to use the tool 

This image optimization tool is really nice and very easy to use. In quick and easy steps you can set the quality and the size of you image and then in one click you can get the desired compressed form of your image. This tool has other freatures as well like convert from PNG to JPEG etc., but here we shall only learn how to compress our image using this tool.

Quick and easy steps to use the tool:

  • First click on the "Upload Images" option to browse and upload your desired image.

  • Then select a compression method; A,B,C,D,E,F or G.

  • Then set image quality percentage. (Higher the percentage better the quality but higher is the size of the compressed image)

  • Then select "Normal" or "Progressive". (Both the options does the same work and there is almost no difference in the image quality or size, so choose and one)

  • Then set the width and height of your image. (This step is optional and you can set both of them as "0" (zero) if you want the dimensions to be same as that of the original image.

  • After setting all the parameters click on the "Compress Images" option to get your image.

After you click on "Compress Images", you get your compressed image below. Here you get two options; view and download. You can first view your image, check the size, check the quality and if you are satisfied then click on the download option. If you are not satisfied then repeat from the second step choosing some different parameters

Optimize Multiple Images

You can also optimize multiple images with one click.
  • Upload multiple images
  • Set the parameters
  • Then click on "Compress Images" 

However this has a few drawbacks
  • All images will be compressed based upon the same parameters
  • You cannot view images individually after these are compressed. You need to download them directly. 

Compression Methods

The compression methods A,B,C,D and E are called lossy compression. Means in these methods there would be huge reduction in the image size and also a fairly noticeable drop in the image quality. 

On the other hand F and G are lossless compression.  Here there would be a little reduction in the image size but almost no change in the image quality. 

A comparison is done between all the compression methods and in this the parameter "compression type (normal & progressive)" are also involved. Here the original file is of 1.7 MB and the image quality is set to 90% and no resize is done. 

The results would have been different if the resize option was also used simultaneously.

The results are as follows

470.4 KB
552.6 KB
433.2 KB
610 KB
466.7 KB
1.2 MB
1.2 MB
468.5 KB
468.5 KB
419.6 KB
610 KB
466.7 KB
1.2 MB
1.2 MB

This tool is really great, you can compress as well as resize your image at the same time. Although it has a very few drawbacks but even after compressing your image to a great extent the change in quality is almost unnoticeable. Overall its a very good tool for image optimization and is worth using